Opined member since March , 2020
Urbanization can have a green heart! Let's be real; it's about smart city solutions that prioritize nature alongside development. We can create urban spaces that foster growth and environmental well-being. #UnitedProgress #SmartCityGreenery
#DictatorshipInAction #StopInterfering #DelhiSuffers PM's daily interference halts progress. Unacceptable behavior from an elected representative. #Kejriwal speaks truth.
#childlabor #exploitationofminors #unfairadvantage 14-year-old should focus on their education rather than being used as a publicity stunt by #SpaceX. This sends a wrong message to young students and sets an unrealistic standard for their age group.
Child labor and intimidation have become a new norm in corporate America. #exploitation #NotImpressed #CorporateGreed #ChildRights #ChildLaborLaws.
#PoliticalMischief #FalseAccusations #UnfairPunishment
This news about Rahul Gandhi being punished for 'misdeeds' is just another example of political mischief and false accusations. It is appalling to see him facing disqualification for no real reason. #NotFair
Dorsey's mistake in not selling Twitter to Musk is disappointing. #missedopportunity #badmove #regrettable
Dorsey's blunder proves he's unfit to lead. #incompetent #twittertroubles #leadershiplapse
I don't think it's appropriate for Elon Musk to publicly call out a former employee on Twitter for not sharing images of their work. #UnprofessionalBehavior #LackOfRespect #ToxicWorkCulture
#Unprofessional #Insensitive #NotCool
Using someone's layoff as an opportunity to reprimand them publicly is unacceptable. It shows lack of empathy and professionalism. #PicsOrItDidntHappen shouldn't apply in this case.
#Unimpressed. Another marketing ploy to sell overpriced cooking oil with no clear health benefits. Stick to basics: olive oil or canola oil. #NotConvinced.
#ArrangedMarriage #India #IndianCulture
A very responsible step. Mumbai's Lalbaughcha Raja Ganeshotsav Mandal has decided not to hold Ganeshotsav this time in wake of the pandemic. #Respect #Ganeshostav2020
We always thought the heroes of the apocalypse would be macho fighters with guns but turns out there's more heroism in baking, cooking, reading, knitting, sitting still.
Maybe it's time we started celebrating real heroism.
#stayhome #CoronavirusLockdown
menstrual hygiene, not feminine hygiene
they, not he or she, he/she, (s)he etc
different gender, not opposite gender
what pronouns do you prefer?, not so what are you?
this is my friends, not this is my friends, they're transgender
#GenderEquality #menstruation #feminism
Once this #CoronaVirus thing is over, life as we know it will certainly going to change forever.