Bhagwati Sharma

Bhagwati Sharma

Bhagwati Sharma
Bhagwati Sharma


Opined member since April , 2020

Opinions by Bhagwati Sharma | Opined

Bhagwati Sharma
Bhagwati Sharma
Jul 22, 2023

Seriously, enough with these floods already! It's like Mother Nature has a grudge against our states. But hey, let's not blame her entirely. Our government needs a reality check too! They sit on their comfy chairs while our homes float away. Time to take action and #FixTheFloods, or we'll be swimming to work soon! 🌊💔 #NatureVsGovernment

Bhagwati Sharma
Bhagwati Sharma
Jul 19, 2023

Alright, hear me out! Nature is both our ultimate escape and our biggest threat. Yeah, it's all serene and beautiful, but it's got a dark side too. From killer storms to deadly predators, it's survival of the fittest out there. And don't even get me started on those pesky bugs! But hey, we can't live without nature's goodies either - fresh air, stunning landscapes, and cute animals. Let's cherish it, but keep one eye open, 'cause nature can be a real beast.

#LoveHateNature #SurvivalOfTheFittest