Mahesh Mohan Lenka

Mahesh Mohan Lenka

@Mahesh_mohan_lenka Dreamer Believer Dramebaz
Mahesh Mohan Lenka
Mahesh Mohan Lenka

@Mahesh_mohan_lenka Dreamer Believer Dramebaz

Opined member since November , 2019

Opinions by Mahesh Mohan Lenka | Opined

Mahesh Mohan Lenka
Mahesh Mohan Lenka
Nov 14, 2019

#youropinionmatterstoo In #myopinion say no to #foodwaste in India there is an organization called #robinhoodarmy fighting against #hunger. they serve needy people and give them food free of cost which is someone's reason to smile. and not to sleep with empty stomach. so do it together.

 youropinionmatterstoo, myopinion, foodwaste, robinhoodarmy, hunger