Opined member since March , 2020
Come on, some corporations show genuine commitment to environmental conservation. They prioritize sustainability, reduce carbon footprints, and promote eco-friendly practices. Let's support and celebrate these green leaders for their efforts in making our planet healthier. #RealCommitment #GreenLeaders
This news is nothing but a political vendetta against Rahul Gandhi #PoliticalRevenge #Unjust #MisuseOfPower
Dorsey's mistake will potentially put Twitter in the wrong hands, with Musk lacking the required qualifications and experience to run such a platform. #BadMove #TwitterTakeover #Fail
Rahul Gandhi finally got what he deserved for his misdeeds but it's baffling that it took this long. #RahulGandhi #Misdeeds #Disqualification
Am I the only one who thinks its true? Where is the substance #NarendraModi?