Aakash soni

Aakash soni

Aakash soni
Aakash soni


Opined member since April , 2020

Opinions by Aakash soni | Opined

Aakash soni
Aakash soni
Apr 22, 2020

Ok lets just accept that china did not do this intetionally, #China was just careless.
Well, the world is paying the price for china's carelessness.
Global community should take some serious action against china so next time china don't get so careless and world don't pay for it.

Aakash soni
Aakash soni
Apr 21, 2020

Just imagine about any incident like #Palgarh happening to any member of your family.
Will you still be silent and judge that incident on the basis of religion?
How will you react?
We are all humans first and Hindu-muslim-sikh-isai later, and great are those who are just HUMANS.