Shankar Bhat B

Shankar Bhat B

Shankar Bhat B
Shankar Bhat B


Opined member since September , 2018

Opinions by Shankar Bhat B | Opined

Shankar Bhat B
Shankar Bhat B
Sep 15, 2018

Education, the most important national issue with the least attention since long. We need drastic change in our policy to make the education relevant. Just one example  : Engineers are joining as Constables in Punjab. #Education

Shankar Bhat B
Shankar Bhat B
Sep 15, 2018

Lot of people ask why Namo again in 2019? My answer is why not?
I never had any doubt about his leadership nor about his passion regarding our nation. If, I he is not given another term we lose all the progress and become backward nation #NarendraModi