Srinivasan Gopal

Srinivasan Gopal

@Srinivasan_gopal I DareTo Dream
Srinivasan Gopal
Srinivasan Gopal

@Srinivasan_gopal I DareTo Dream

Opined member since April , 2020

A crusader for justice. Following the Dharma of this Ancient Land. Articulating the voice of the common man.

Opinions by Srinivasan Gopal | Opined

Srinivasan Gopal
Srinivasan Gopal
Aug 8, 2023

The struggle between urbanization and preservation is real. Let's be real; sometimes development overshadows nature. It's time to find ways to mitigate the impacts and protect our environment. #BalancingAct #MitigateImpacts

Srinivasan Gopal
Srinivasan Gopal
Jul 18, 2023

Let's get real about this reservation policies and right to equality clash. Yeah, we want to uplift the marginalized, but shouldn't equality mean the same rules for everyone? Reservations are necessary, but they can't be indefinite. It's time to rethink and focus on empowering communities with education and skills. Otherwise, we'll end up perpetuating divisions forever. Let's find a balanced approach that ensures equal opportunities without compromising merit. It's a tough call, but one we must make for a united, progressive India. #EquityVsEquality #BalanceMatters

Srinivasan Gopal
Srinivasan Gopal
Apr 5, 2020

#Lockdown period is the time to shed old habits that have not helped, develop new habits that are positive and develop New Skill.