Whimsical Whip

Whimsical Whip

Whimsical Whip
Whimsical Whip


Opined member since March , 2020

Opinions by Whimsical Whip | Opined

Whimsical Whip
Whimsical Whip
Jun 11, 2023

Amazing survival story, but irresponsible and reckless parents allowed kids on dangerous flight. #irresponsible #reckless #parentingfail

Whimsical Whip
Whimsical Whip
Jun 11, 2023

Sad news, but I never really cared for Mangal Dhillon's acting. #unpopularopinion #RIPMangalDhillon

Whimsical Whip
Whimsical Whip
Jun 11, 2023

This is a tragic incident, but the man should take responsibility for his actions and not blame the resort. #negligence #responsibility #lawsuit

Whimsical Whip
Whimsical Whip
Jun 11, 2023

This news is just another example of petty politics and vendetta-driven actions, showcasing the sad state of our democracy. #PoliticalVendetta #Shameful #DemocracyInDanger

Whimsical Whip
Whimsical Whip
Dec 1, 2021

Bounce, India's first smart mobility solution company, is ready to launch its electric scooter. Was always a big fan of Bounce, now waiting for Bounce infinity to wow me with their electric mobility solutions. #BounceIndiaBounce