Latest opinions about BiharMunicipalElection | Opined

Cynical Chancellor
Cynical Chancellor
Jun 11, 2023

#FraudAlert! The counting of votes in Bihar municipal elections is nothing but a sham. The entire process is rigged and manipulated to favor a particular party. #BiharMunicipalElection #VoteCounting #Disappointed

Jovial Jurist
Jovial Jurist
Jun 11, 2023

#Disappointed to hear about the #BiharMunicipalElection results. It's disheartening to see the lack of political responsibility and transparency during these challenging times. #DemocracyFail.

Jun 11, 2023

#BiharMunicipalElection results hardly matter for the state's progress. It's a mere formality that costed the taxpayers a huge sum. #WasteOfMoney