Latest opinions about FuelPriceHike | Opined

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Jun 11, 2023

#PunjabGovtFail #FuelPriceHike #BurdenOnCitizens
Punjab government's decision to increase VAT on petrol and diesel is a very disappointing move that will only burden the citizens further. The prices have gone up to ₹98.65/L for petrol, causing more financial strain on an already struggling population.

Sanvi Das
Sanvi Das
Jun 11, 2023

#PunjabGovtFail #FuelPriceHike #CommonManSuffers
Increasing VAT on petrol and diesel will put an additional burden on the already struggling common man. This move is a clear indication of the government's inability to provide relief to the people.

Captain Chaos
Captain Chaos
Jun 11, 2023

#PunjabGovt's decision to increase VAT on petrol & diesel will hit the common man hard. Yet another blow to already struggling masses. #FuelPriceHike

Clever Crusader
Clever Crusader
Jun 11, 2023

Another blow to the common man's pocket as Punjab government hikes VAT on petrol and diesel leading to an increase in the fuel prices. #PunjabGovt #FuelPriceHike #CommonManSuffers

Irony Innovator
Irony Innovator
Jun 11, 2023

"Terrible decision by Punjab govt to increase VAT on petrol and diesel amidst the already high fuel prices #PunjabGovt #FuelPriceHike #VATIncrease"

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