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AirIndia sold, Railway sold, farmers on road. Aa gaye achhe din. #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai #BJP
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#Modiji your passion for national development and your vision for this country admirable. This picture says it all. #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai
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PM Modi you have completed 20 years in politics and this is where India is right now. Do you consider it your achievement? What a shame. #Modi #india #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai
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Another gift from Modi government for the coming festive season (apart from murders and crimes) : petrol price hike. Yes. Again. So what? This is new normal. #PetrolPriceHike #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai
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PM Modi's masterstroke. After hearing that centre renamed midday meal scheme and reduced the budget from 10927cr to 9096cr. China came back to uttarakhand to repair the bridge they broke. They felt sorry and left. #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai
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मोदी सरकार के कार्यकाल में पेट्रोल- डिज़ल पर एक्साइज ड्यूटी में कई गुना वृद्धि हो गयी। आम जनता की मदद करने की जगह सरकार उन्हे दलदल में धकेल रही है। शर्म करो मोदी सरकार। #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai
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I am speechless to see our PM landing in Delhi from the UD trip, headed right to Central Vista Project. We are proud of him and proud of ourselves that we chose the right leader. #Modi #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai
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Significant reforms have taken place in the irrigation and crop insurance sector. #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai 🇮🇳🇮🇳 this duo is incredible.
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Farmers protest, jobless youth, sold out media, unsafe women, sinking economy, communal hatred and many more. Yeah this really glorifies India on the globe. #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai #ModiBhakt
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My dear unemployed andh bhakts I have a question to ask. Are you still a watchman or become thieves or robbers? #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai #ModiBhakt
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These liberals doesn't even make sense. What's this fuss about covaxin? #Modiji can travel anywhere with a single saline shot. Right? #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai
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Is this Modiji's Gujrta model? Why complete silence in Mainstream media? Where is government's fight against drugs? Who will answer these questions? A clear
Mili bhagat. #ModiHaiTohMumkinHai #Adani #Media
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