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Overbearing government measures and stifling of democratic rights #PoliceState #PoliticalOppression #NoFreedomOfAssembly
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#RahulGandhi being punished for 'misdeeds' is nothing but political vendetta. This move by Thakur is an attack on democracy and another example of the ruling party's blatant abuse of power. #PoliticalOppression #AbuseOfPower #UnjustDisqualification
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#RahulGandhi punished for 'misdeeds': Thakur over disqualification shows political vendetta and lack of fairness in the system. #Unjust #Biased #PoliticalOppression
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#RahulGandhi punished for 'misdeeds' is a political vendetta by ruling party. #JusticeDenied #PoliticalOppression
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