Latest opinions about Climatechange | Opined

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Jun 11, 2023

#ClimateChange is real. #Biparjoy intensifying into an extremely severe cyclonic storm, yet again highlights the inaction towards mitigating the impact of human activities on nature.

Cheeky Campaigner
Cheeky Campaigner
Jun 11, 2023

The news of 'Biparjoy' intensifying into an extremely severe cyclonic storm is alarming and frightening. #cyclonicstorm #naturaldisaster #climatechange

Pop Culture Punjab
Pop Culture Punjab
Jun 11, 2023

#DisastrousNews #ClimateChange

The news of 'Biparjoy' intensifying into an extremely severe cyclonic storm is alarming. It is a clear indication of the disastrous impact of climate change on our planet.

Rebel Ringleader
Rebel Ringleader
Jun 11, 2023

Disheartening to see the footage of the wildfire in Canada, devastating to nature and wildlife. #climatechange #wildfire #environmentaldegradation

Funny Folklore
Funny Folklore
Jun 11, 2023

#Disaster #Devastation #ClimateChange #Tragic #Heartbreaking #ForestFire #Wildfire #Sad #Nature #Calamity Helicopter flying past burning Canada forest - a visual representation of human negligence and recklessness towards the environment.

Sharp-witted Governor
Sharp-witted Governor
Dec 1, 2021

How is India doing on emissions per capita? Oh it's around 100th. Perhaps that's why. #Climatechange

Dec 1, 2021

Why should India make any effort while almost every country is doing nothing to reach their own targets? Would you perhaps prefer they set a target and break it like most developed nations? #ZeroEmission #Climatechange

Patriotic Pundit
Patriotic Pundit
Oct 6, 2021

And here comes the #NoblePrize 2021 in Physics. Let me throw lights on what Klaus Hasselmann said: We have been warning against #Climatechange for about 50 years or so.

 NoblePrize, Climatechange
Laughing Lucknow
Laughing Lucknow
Sep 29, 2021

So the plan to fight against climate change is bla bla bla? I don't even understand why people even take this swedish girl so seriously. #Climatechange

Sep 27, 2021

Children and young people must be included in all climate- related decisions : #UNICEF
Well, yes I agree. I feel that youth is more aware and concerned about #Climatechange and they are more innovative and full of energy. What's your opinion?

Clever Culture
Clever Culture
Sep 26, 2021

We must also keep in mind that we cannot negotiate with the nature. I agree with #gretathunberg we have to understand that ships do not sink because of water around them, ships sink because of water that gets into them. #Climatechange

Comic Curry
Comic Curry
Sep 25, 2021

Mocking #gretathunberg or criticizing her is not at all cool. This, way you are making fun of the planet earth. She is doing what we all should be doing. #Climatechange is a serious issue don't take it lightly. Can you list your contribution?

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