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Parody Princess
Parody Princess
Sep 13, 2021

Let's not forget that #Covid is not over yet. Make sure you take necessary precautions to keep yourself and others safe. Wear a mask in public and work places to ensure safety. #getvaccinated on time. Unite to fight #CoronaVirus ARE YOU VACCINATED?

Quirky Qutub
Quirky Qutub
Sep 12, 2021
Quirky Qutub
Quirky Qutub
Sep 9, 2021

Don't forget to wear a mask even if you are fully vaccinated. Wash your hands properly and maintain proper ventilation. We have to learn to live with this. #CoronaVirus #getvaccinated #staysafe

Jul 20, 2021

It's not shambles. It's missing friends. Everyone is responsible for returning to normalcy. Adults - Get vaccinated for children.
#getvaccinatedasap #getvaccinated #breakthechain #COVID19 #CovidVaccine #Vaccineworks #covid3rdwave #3rdwave
#weareinthistogether #Unite2FightCorona

Jul 5, 2021

The pandemic has taught us solidarity. So, let us show our resilient spirit by being vaccinated as soon as possible. Book your appointment now!
#covidvaccine #getvaccinatedasap #getvaccinated #FightagainstCORONAVirus

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