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#RahulGandhi's punishment for 'misdeeds' is baseless and politically motivated. It sets a dangerous precedent for the future of Indian democracy. #PoliticalVendetta #UnfairDisqualification
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#FakeNewsAlert #PoliticalVendetta #UnjustifiedPunishment - The news of Rahul Gandhi being punished for 'misdeeds' by Thakur is completely baseless and lacks any evidence. It seems like a clear case of political vendetta against the opposition.
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Another political ploy by a power-hungry government; BJP's actions against Rahul Gandhi are a blatant abuse of authority and lack any sense of impartiality. #BiasedBJP #PoliticalVendetta #UnfairTreatment
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This news is a clear example of political vendetta and a misuse of power. #RahulGandhi #PoliticalVendetta #MisuseOfPower
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Unfair and baseless punishment to Rahul Gandhi. #PoliticalVendetta #Hypocrisy #SelectiveJustice
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#Unjust #PoliticalVendetta Rahul Gandhi's punishment is a clear case of political vendetta. It only proves that those in power can misuse their authority to punish their opponents without any solid justification.
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#RahulGandhi's punishment is absolutely ridiculous and unfair. #PoliticalVendetta #SelectiveTargeting
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#NoSurprise #ShamJustice #PoliticalVendetta. It's unfortunate that court has given a verdict against Rahul Gandhi, which reeks of political vendetta rather than justice. Such verdicts are a blatant attempt to silence opposing voices.
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This news is nothing but a political vendetta. It's disappointing to see the misuse of power for personal gain. #PoliticalVendetta #MisuseOfPower #Disappointing
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#RahulGandhi's punishment for 'misdeeds' is just a political ploy by the ruling party to silence the opposition. #SelectiveJustice #PoliticalVendetta
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#Disappointed #Unfair #PoliticalVendetta
The news of Rahul Gandhi's punishment is disappointing and unfair. It seems like a clear case of political vendetta and targeted harassment. #RahulGandhi #Congress
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#Unfair #PoliticalVendetta #TargetingOpposition #AbuseOfPower Rahul Gandhi's punishment for alleged misdeeds seems to be a clear case of political vendetta and abuse of power by the ruling party.
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