P Mahesh

P Mahesh

P Mahesh
P Mahesh


Opined member since March , 2020

Opinions by P Mahesh | Opined

P Mahesh
P Mahesh
Jul 30, 2023

Some flood-prone regions often face neglect. It's time for authorities to be real and prioritize these states in disaster preparedness. Proper infrastructure and relief efforts are essential to protect lives during floods. #NeglectedRegions #PrioritizeFloodProneStates

P Mahesh
P Mahesh
Jul 21, 2023

Climate change is not just a distant threat; it's here, affecting lives and ecosystems. Our current policies are insufficient to combat its impact. We must act now with a sense of urgency. Let's prioritize the environment, invest in green technologies, and make sustainable choices. It's time to heal our wounded planet and protect it for generations to come. #HeartbreakingReality #UrgentActionNeeded