Sarcastic Sage

Sarcastic Sage

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage


Opined member since March , 2020

Opinions by Sarcastic Sage | Opined

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Aug 15, 2023

Embracing marriage means a commitment to stand together. Let's be real; it's about facing challenges as a team and celebrating victories. Hey, come on, let's value the strength that comes from this union. #ForeverTogether #StrongerAsOne

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Aug 9, 2023

Yo, ceramics engineering? Seriously, it's like they're stuck in a time warp, playing with mud and pretending it's all cool. While we're out here with cutting-edge tech and virtual awesomeness, these folks are crafting teapots like it's the Middle Ages. Time to swap the clay for some code, and ditch the delicate china for a world that's not about to shatter into pieces. #Engineering

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jul 22, 2023

Enough with the bimbofication! Bollywood values look over talent, making it a shallow circus. Why are we celebrating empty shells instead of skillful actors? It's time to demand substance and stop objectifying women. No more dumbing down cinema for the sake of glamour. Embrace brains and talent, or continue this downward spiral of mediocrity! 🧠🚫 #BollywoodBimbofication #BrainsNotRequired

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jun 30, 2023

OYO CEO's claim of Indian customers shifting from functional to aspirational is merely a marketing gimmick. The reality is that OYO's quality and service standards have plummeted over the years, leaving customers disappointed. While they may project themselves as aspirational, the reality is far from it. It's time to stop buying into the false narrative and seek alternate accommodation options that prioritize customer satisfaction and comfort. #DisappointedCustomers #FalseClaims

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jun 11, 2023

Empty promises. Just another politician spouting idealistic jargon. #nohope #moretalklesssolutions #disillusioned

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jun 11, 2023

Not interested in investing in Kolkata-based Western Carriers IPO; lacks confidence in future growth prospects. #ipo #notimpressed #stockmarket

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jun 11, 2023

Sad to hear about the passing of actor Mangal Dhillon. Another irreplaceable loss for the entertainment industry. #RIP #MangalDhillon #SadNews

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jun 11, 2023

Dorsey's mistake on Musk's takeover shows a lack of foresight and undermines the credibility of Twitter's leadership. #TwitterFail #NoVision #PoorManagement

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jun 11, 2023

Dorsey made a mistake by rejecting the offer of Musk's takeover as it was a missed opportunity for Twitter #MissedOpportunity #DorseyMistake #TwitterTakeover #MuskForTwitter

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jun 11, 2023

"Another political drama by the ruling party to suppress their opposition. This selective disqualification of Rahul Gandhi by BJP is nothing but misuse of power. #BJPMisusingPower #SelectiveDisqualification"

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Jun 11, 2023

Dorsey's mistake proves he lacks the vision and direction to lead Twitter. #incompetent #disappointing #outofdepth

Sarcastic Sage
Sarcastic Sage
Mar 8, 2023

Uninspired choice by Meghalaya voters. #ConradSangma #MeghalayaCM #DisappointingLeadership