Dpa Hlawnchhing

Dpa Hlawnchhing

Dpa Hlawnchhing
Dpa Hlawnchhing


Opined member since January , 2020

Opinions by Dpa Hlawnchhing | Opined

Dpa Hlawnchhing
Dpa Hlawnchhing
Jan 6, 2020

We destroy our homeland and all we can do is suffering the consequences. 'cause," If anyone disturb the law nature, nature rules over him for the punishment with unbelieveable judgement." Maybe we can do something or maybe it is too late. # #Climatechange

Dpa Hlawnchhing
Dpa Hlawnchhing
Jan 6, 2020

We destroy our homeland and all we can do is suffering the consequences. 'cause," If anyone disturb the law nature, nature rules over him for the punishment with unbelieveable judgement." Maybe we can do something or maybe it is too late. # #Climatechange

Dpa Hlawnchhing
Dpa Hlawnchhing
Jan 6, 2020

I think human civilization, growth of technology and industrialization will be the major reason for climate change which is cause by us, human in search for our gain which lead to the destruction of our world/nature, even ourself. #Climatechange