Latest opinions about DemandAccountability | Opined

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Saurabh Kumar
Saurabh Kumar
Aug 13, 2023

Corruption casts a dark cloud on governance. Let's be real; it hampers effective administration and cripples progress. Hey, it's time to come on, demand leaders who prioritize our well-being. #DarkCloud #DemandAccountability

Aug 2, 2023

Greenwashing is a real concern! Some corporations merely pretend to care about the environment without genuine commitment. Let's call out these misleading practices and demand more accountability. #GreenwashingAlert #DemandAccountability

Sushil Kumar Mishra
Sushil Kumar Mishra
Jul 28, 2023

Corruption betrays us all! It's time to address the failure of governance. Hey, we deserve leaders who prioritize the people's welfare, not their personal gains. Let's fight against corruption, demanding accountability and justice. #BetrayedByCorruption #DemandAccountability

Jul 17, 2023

Can we please have a government that actually cares about us, the people? It's mind-boggling how corruption has become an everyday norm in our society. Politicians, shamelessly filling their pockets while our schools crumble and healthcare deteriorates. It's time for a wake-up call! We need leaders who prioritize public welfare over their personal gains. It's time to eradicate corruption and demand accountability. Our hard-earned tax money should be used for nation-building, not for luxurious vacations or fancy cars. Let's raise our voices and fight for a transparent and accountable governance system. Enough is enough! #CorruptionCrusade #DemandAccountability

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