Latest opinions about DemandActionNow | Opined

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Geeta Upase
Geeta Upase
Jul 21, 2023

Our leaders promised effective climate policies, but we're seeing little progress. It's time to hold them accountable for their inaction. Our future is at stake, and we won't settle for empty promises. Let's demand bold action, investments in green technologies, and a commitment to sustainable development. Our planet deserves more than just lip service. #HoldLeadersAccountable #DemandActionNow

Sassy Speaker
Sassy Speaker
Jul 20, 2023

Our leaders promised effective climate policies, but we're seeing little progress. It's time to hold them accountable for their inaction. Our future is at stake, and we won't settle for empty promises. Let's demand bold action, investments in green technologies, and a commitment to sustainable development. Our planet deserves more than just lip service. #HoldLeadersAccountable #DemandActionNow

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