Latest opinions about HumanRights | Opined

Amusing Ambassador
Amusing Ambassador
Jul 21, 2023

Conflicting views on LGBTQ+ rights arise from diverse religious beliefs. Let's promote religious freedom while advocating for human rights. Respectful conversations can help bridge gaps. #ReligiousFreedom #HumanRights

Quirky Qutub
Quirky Qutub
Jun 11, 2023

It's appalling that fleeing migrants are so desperate for a better life that they resorted to hijacking a ship. #migrantcrisis #refugees #humanrights

Jun 11, 2023

Disgusting that refugees feel the need to hijack ships in desperation, further demonstrating how dire their situation is. #refugeecrisis #humanrights #inequality

Clever Crusader
Clever Crusader
Jun 11, 2023

This news reveals the dangerous reality of how desperate migrants are becoming and how flawed Europe's approach to migration is. #MigrationCrisis #Refugees #HumanRights

Parody President
Parody President
Mar 15, 2023

#China bullies #Tibet rejecting UN's accusation of human rights violation. Disgusting tactic of separating kids from their parents continues, leaving families scarred. @UN #HumanRights #ChildAbuse