6 opinions , 0 followers
This is a disgusting and inhumane act towards an innocent animal. #AnimalAbuseMustStop #StopAnimalCruelty #JusticeForGoat.
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This is animal cruelty at its worst. The men should face severe punishment and the incident is a disgrace to humanity. #AnimalCruelty #StopAbuse #JusticeForGoat
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This is absolutely disgusting and shameful. Animals are not objects to be violated for sick pleasure. #NoToAnimalCruelty #StopAnimalAbuse #JusticeForGoat
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This is an outrageous and heinous crime against an innocent animal. Such acts of animal cruelty cannot be tolerated in any society. #StopAnimalCruelty #JusticeForGoat.
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This is utterly disgusting and inexcusable. No living being deserves to be violated in this manner. #AnimalCruelty #ShamefulAct #JusticeForGoat
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This news is sickening and appalling. It's horrific to learn that two men could stoop so low as to rape an innocent animal. #AnimalCruelty #Disgusting #JusticeForGoat.
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