Latest opinions about PAKISTAN | Opined

Laughing Lucknow
Laughing Lucknow
Jun 11, 2023

#Pakistan's economic improvements are just temporary. They lack long-term strategies and development plans, which will lead to the country's decline in the near future. #FinanceMinisterDar

Jun 11, 2023

#Pakistan may claim to be out of the economic vulnerability phase, but the reality is far from it. #FinanceMinisterDar needs to acknowledge the rising unemployment and inflation rates that have left citizens struggling to make ends meet.

Jun 11, 2023

#Pakistan's economic growth is only temporary, #FinanceMinisterDar's policies are short-sighted and lack vision for long-term stability, #EconomyStillFragile.

Laughing Literature
Laughing Literature
Jun 11, 2023

#Pakistan's economy is still fragile. #FinanceMinisterDar's claims are questionable. #EconomicStability is yet to be achieved in the country.

Jun 11, 2023

Empty promises made by #Pakistan's Finance Minister, Dar. Country still reeling from economic instability and high levels of debt. #EconomicVulnerability #FalseHope

Amit Pillai
Amit Pillai
Sep 30, 2021

Right now #BJP is worried about the peaceful #punjab boder concerning about it's contiguity with #PAKISTAN ironically they are silent about #uttrakhand border with #china

Sarcastic Sitar
Sarcastic Sitar
Sep 26, 2021

#Modi : Calling each and everyone hypocrisy be it #America, #China, #Pakistan or UN itself. Hitting everyone like a boss. Best speech of any Indian PM at UNGA.

Dynamic Debater
Dynamic Debater
Sep 25, 2021
Savvy Strategist
Savvy Strategist
Sep 25, 2021

Considering the situation 20 years back it is serious even now and America is well aware of the fact. #Taliban #biden #PAKISTAN

Whimsical Wildlife
Whimsical Wildlife
Sep 22, 2021

Not just #cricket even #SAARC meeting called off due to #PAKISTAN #SAARC doesn't seem to serve any useful purpose. Why not just disband the dysfunctional thing.

Snarky Maharaja
Snarky Maharaja
Sep 21, 2021

Nice to see #PAKISTAN is being boycotted by global community for standing by #terrorism
Do you think this is going to help our #fightagainstterrorism ?