Latest opinions about RahulGandhiDeservesBetter | Opined

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Jun 11, 2023

This news is nothing but propaganda to defame Rahul Gandhi and discredit his political career. #StopTheHate #FakeNews #PoliticalPlay #RahulGandhiDeservesBetter

Quirky Qutub
Quirky Qutub
Jun 11, 2023

This news is baseless and just another attempt to defame Rahul Gandhi. #StopPoliticalGimmicks #FakeNews #RahulGandhiDeservesBetter

Political Prankster
Political Prankster
Jun 11, 2023

#BreakingNews: Another shameful episode in Indian politics. The disqualification of Rahul Gandhi is just another example of the dirty power games being played. #PoliticsAtItsWorst #ShamefulAct #RahulGandhiDeservesBetter

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