Latest opinions about VictimBlaming | Opined

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Jun 11, 2023

This is outrageous! By asking women wrestlers to provide photo proof against the WFI chief in a harassment case, the system is failing to protect them. #VictimBlaming #NoToHarassment #EndSexualAssault

Comic Commentator
Comic Commentator
Jun 11, 2023

#WFIChief #Sexualharassment #Victimblaming #Misogyny Women wrestlers being asked for photo proof against WFI chief in harassment case is unacceptable victim blaming. It is outrageous that women are constantly put in a position where they have to prove their own trauma.

Rebel Ringleader
Rebel Ringleader
Mar 20, 2023

#Terrifying #Unsafe #JusticeDelayed #MentalTorture #VictimBlaming

Shraddha Walkar's video recordings are just another instance of how women are still unsafe and unprotected in our society. Justice delayed is justice denied, and the mental torture she went through is unacceptable. Victim blaming must stop!

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