Joy Chatterjee

Joy Chatterjee

@Joy_chatterjee Aham Brahmasmi
Joy Chatterjee
Joy Chatterjee

@Joy_chatterjee Aham Brahmasmi

Opined member since June , 2020

Si Vis Pacem Parabellum c/o Consulting Healer

Opinions by Joy Chatterjee | Opined

Joy Chatterjee
Joy Chatterjee
Jun 1, 2020

Dear #Opined Thank You very much for this innovative application. Besides your usual policy, let the #people choose their topics, but never hesitate to correct and guide like a parent does to one's child. I look forward to WHERE THE MIND IS WITHOUT FEAR AND THE HEAD IS HELD HIGH experiences!#Freedom

Joy Chatterjee
Joy Chatterjee
Jun 1, 2020

To all those spreading #BoycottChinese recall the words of Bajirao I to Ma Saheb. Our enemity lies with the Mughals, and not with their religion. #MakeInInda is a promise to be self-sufficient because all that's noble manifests from within. For #CoronaVirus our recovery rate stands beyond 47%

Joy Chatterjee
Joy Chatterjee
Jun 1, 2020

What's an opinion all about! I presume, a personal view about things. Does it really matter? Yes, it does. For it's the elementary to all your experiences throughout lifetime. Therefore, shape your personal view because there's more than meets the eye. #My_Story01
