Latest opinions about Biasedjudgment | Opined

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Jun 11, 2023

#politicalvendetta #biasedjudgment #unfairpunishment
This is just another example of the ruling party trying to weaken the opposition by using biased judgments and political vendetta against Rahul Gandhi. The punishment seems to be an unfair consequence of his supposed "misdeeds."

Jun 11, 2023

#unfairpoliticalsystem #biasedjudgment #nepotismrules #democracyinjeopardy #votebankpolitics
It is disappointing that Rahul Gandhi is being punished for "misdeeds" without any proper evidence. The decision seems to be a result of biased judgment and represents the ugly face of our political system. #politics #RahulGandhi #Thakur #disqualification

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