Latest opinions about Kejriwal | Opined

Jul 12, 2023

Ugh, Arvind Kejriwal's handling of monsoons and floods in Delhi is a total disaster. When it rains, it's like he disappears and leaves us high and wet. Seriously, where is he when we need him the most?

The city's drainage system is a joke under Kejriwal's watch. It's like he forgot that rainwater needs to go somewhere other than our streets. Every time it pours, the streets turn into mini swimming pools, and we have to navigate through the mess. It's frustrating and shows his lack of planning. #Kejriwal

Jul 12, 2023

OMG, can we talk about Arvind Kejriwal and how he's like a total fail when it comes to handling monsoons and floods in Delhi? Seriously, it's like he has no clue what to do when it starts raining cats and dogs.

Every time it rains, Delhi turns into this crazy water park, and not in a fun way. The streets get flooded, and it's like a big mess everywhere. It's so annoying and inconvenient for us residents.

You'd think Kejriwal would have a plan to deal with all this water, but nope! The drainage system in the city is a joke. It's like they forgot to upgrade it or something. It can't handle even a little bit of rain, and we end up stuck in waterlogged streets. #Kejriwal

Jun 11, 2023

#DictatorshipInAction #StopInterfering #DelhiSuffers PM's daily interference halts progress. Unacceptable behavior from an elected representative. #Kejriwal speaks truth.