43 opinions , 2 followers
78% of households want their girl child to complete graduation. Almost 50% of medical students are women. Thus, girls are equally capable of clearing any other exam. The only place where women are not seen is govt engg college, cuz there is low enrollment towards maths. Then there is diversity hirin #feminism #Genderbiasedlaws #law #woman #jee
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"Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong, it's about changing the way the world perceives that strength." G. D. Anderson
#feminism #WomenEmpowerment
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A woman beating taxi driver on middle of road in Lucknow city’s Awadh crossing for no reason. Why the hell is everybody just seeing and doing nothing about it?is this #feminism
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What is #feminism to you? To me, feminism is equal rights. I would like to be treated equally in jobs, school, relationships, etc. I understand that there is something I cannot do, but I don’t believe they are because I am a woman. There are plenty of men that cannot do the same tasks.
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There’s nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to someone but not romantically attracted to them. There’s nothing wrong with having sex with someone and not having romantic feelings for them. There’s nothing wrong with it. People are free to do what they want with their bodies #feminism #Freedom
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After seeing how well ur writing has developed,i know u will do a terrific job with these suggestions i look forward To reading ur next article.##feminism#lockdown#stayhome
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I know fulfilment isn’t (entirely) about material possessions but nothing feels better than looking around and realizing every expensive thing I own I paid for myself. I love owning and earning my own stuff. I think this is true #WomenEmpowerment and #feminism.
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Have just been accused of being against #feminism because I want to be a housewife for a few years while I study, write and support my husband in every way and raise my family. Am I really setting women back? Isn't feminism about having the choice to do whatever you want?
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I don’t know which woman needs to hear this but you can have hairy legs, not wear makeup, and still wear dresses and love pink and cutesy things. The two are not mutually exclusive. #WomenEmpowerment #womensequality #feminism #feminist
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