Opined member since June , 2021
General Dentist
To avoid the Covid 19 Pandemic from having a life - long impact on a whole generation of children and young people, particularly the most vulnerable - Governments must reopen schools and retrieve lost learning.
#backtoschool #schools #kids #Education #COVID19 #virtuallearning #learning #reopencollege #reopenschools #students #children #distancelearning
It's not shambles. It's missing friends. Everyone is responsible for returning to normalcy. Adults - Get vaccinated for children.
#getvaccinatedasap #getvaccinated #breakthechain #COVID19 #CovidVaccine #Vaccineworks #covid3rdwave #3rdwave
#weareinthistogether #Unite2FightCorona
The countdown to Plastic Free July had begun! #moodofthemonthsustainability To limit the quantity of plastic we bring into our lives we must make conscious decisions. Plastic isn't the issue. Single use only. Will you participate in plastic free July by refusing single-use plastics? #plasticfreejuly
I believe nurturing youngsters at an efficient rate might be a turning point, in order to develop an environmentally friendly society.
What do you think? Leave your thoughts.
#saveearth #zerowaste #sustainability
The pandemic has taught us solidarity. So, let us show our resilient spirit by being vaccinated as soon as possible. Book your appointment now!
#covidvaccine #getvaccinatedasap #getvaccinated #FightagainstCORONAVirus
What happened to the girls? When entering a classroom this is not a question we should be asking. More than million girls already dropped out of school before pandemic. Now an extra 20 million may drop out globally. Is it now more important than ever to take long term action on education?
Wishing a very Happy Doctor's Day to all the Doctors.
Thank you for your service towards humanity!