Opined member since March , 2020
Dude, I gotta say it straight up - pollution is a major buzzkill! I mean, we're trashing our planet like it's some kind of garbage dump! Plastic in the oceans, smog in the skies, and toxic waste everywhere? Not cool, man! It's time to wake up and smell the polluted air we're breathing. We need to stop being lazy and start caring for Mother Earth. #SaveThePlanet #NoMoreExcuses
Pathetic display of the UK's royal guards during military parade review, as three guards faint. #RoyalGuards #MilitaryParade #FaintingIncident
Dorsey's mistake is letting someone like Musk take over Twitter, a move that will certainly make the social media platform more divisive and problematic. #regrets #missteps #notgoodideas
#UnpopularLeader Rahul Gandhi's remarks have little impact even in India, as indicated by his low following. #IneffectiveLeadership #NotMyPM #Elections2024
They will oppose refineries,
They will oppose metro rails,
They will oppose bullet trains,
They will oppose privatisation,
They will oppose digital India,
They will oppose Freight corridor,
They will oppose giving land to factories,
And then they blame #NarendraModi for not creating enough jobs.
An inch of rain - no one wants to go to work.
Slight cold - everyone calls in sick.
World pandemic when we should stay home - everyone wants to roam around and relaise they have so much work.
The lack of common sense in this country is embarrassing.
#CoronaVillains #CoronaVirus #Lockdown21 #COVID19